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Part:BBa_K1928006:Get Part

Designed by: Xu RuiBing   Group: iGEM16_Shenzhen_SFLS   (2018-08-08)

Option 1: Get the part from a Registry distribution. More...

Part BBa_K1928006 is available in these Registry distributions:Tree ViewShow details for 0 locations
No samples of that part are available in distributions. Check for other locations above

Option 2: Request the part from the Registry More...

As an iGEM team or a Laboratory member of the Registry, you may request parts from the Registry and we will send them to you. We will use the shipping information we have for your iGEM team or lab.

Option 3: Have the part synthesized More...

DNA manipulation can get you the part you want, but it may take much longer than you expect and may be difficult. It also limits the sequences you can use. DNA synthesis is a direct application of money to obtain a new part.

Option 4: Use PCR to standardize an existing DNA sample More...

Many interesting parts exist in nature or in your lab. You can use PCR to extract the DNA sequence and place the correct prefix and suffix on its ends. Those sequences will contain the restriction sites needed to clone the part into one of the standard plasmid backbones. You will have to be sure that the part's sequence is compatible with the standard you wish to use.