Help:Part Status Box

Part Status Box

The Part Status Box appears in the top right of every part page. It provides a summary of a part's status within the Registry and the Registry's Repository.

The Part Status Box contains the following elements:

  1. Part Status: The status of a part based on the completeness of its documentation and characterization. system not currently in place
  2. Sample Status: The status of the part's physical DNA (sample) in the Repository
  3. Experience: The experience status for a part
  4. Uses: The number of times the part is specified in composite parts in the Registry
  5. Twins: The twins of this part, if any
  6. Get This Part: The Get This Part page will show you the location of a sample in the current distribution, or in the Repository.

1. Part Status

The Registry is introducing the concept of "Releasing a Part." This means that the author of the part says it is ready and important; its documentation and measurement are complete. The part status field will show if a part has been released.. As of May 2017, the part status system is not fully in place.

  • Released
    Parts are released by submitters when they have met certain criteria for completeness.
  • Released HQ
    iGEM HQ will be releasing parts that were created before the introduction of the release system (2013).
  • Not Released
    Parts that are either in progress or incomplete.
  • Discontinued
    Some parts have been discontinued as a way to prune the Registry's collection of parts. Many of these parts are old, poorly documented, and unused.

2a. Sample Status

The status of the part's physical DNA in the Repository

    Sample In Stock
  • At least one sample of the part exists in the Repository, and it has met our Quality Control criteria.
  • The sample has been sequenced with a result of Confirmed or Long Part.
  • It may be in the current distribution, or available by request.
    It's Complicated
  • At least one sample of the part exists in the Repository, but it has not fulfilled our Quality Control criteria.
  • The sample has been sequenced with a result of Single Base Error, Partially Confirmed, Inconsistent, or Bad Sequencing.
  • The sample may not have been sequenced.
  • It may be in the current distribution, or available by request.
    Not in Stock
  • There is no available sample for this part in the Repository. It cannot be requested.
  • The part is strictly informational (BioBrick scar, primer sites, etc). As such, there is no available sample and it cannot be requested.

2b. Sample Standard

The sample status defaults to BioBrick (RFC 10). However, if the sample of the part is in a standard other than BioBrick (RFC 10), the sample's standard will appears below the status.

3. Experience

    The experience status for a part, as documented by the part authors. However, the part's experience is not a validation of the part by iGEM HQ.
  • Works
  • Issues
  • Fails

Take a look at the part's main page and experience page to learn more about the community's experience with this part.

4. Uses

The number of times the part has been specified in composite parts in the Registry. Click to see all of the uses of this part.

5. Twins

This section shows the number of twins the part has. Click to see all of the twins of this part.

Two or more parts are twins if they have the same sequence. The Registry is phasing out twins. If you're adding a new part, it should not be a twin of an existing part.

Learn more about twins.

6. Get This Part

The Get This Part page will show you the location of a sample, if available, in the current distribution or in the Repository.

Learn more about requesting parts.