Add and Document Parts
Start adding + documenting your parts early! Throughout the season you can update your part documentation with new information, modelling data, and/or experimental characterization.Sample Submissions
iGEM teams do not need to send samples of their parts anymore. We encourage teams to focus on the design, modeling, characterization, and documentation of their parts!.Login Error
We have heard from several users that there is an error with logging in and editing the Registry wiki. For now, please use the login menu in to login, and return to to edit your part pages.Featured Part
Uppsala Chromoprotein Collection
Group: Team Uppsala
The 2011 Uppsala iGEM team centered their iGEM project around a library of reporter proteins with a focus on chromoproteins. The 2012 and 2013 teams, while having very different projects, continued the previous years' work alongside their projects.
This has resulted in a large collection of chromoproteins, with sequence confirmed samples, that can also be found in the yearly distribution kits.
Update: Composite Parts
If you synthesized or used a different assembly system to create a composite part, you can now enter specific scars between subparts. If you have any issues with functionality, please contact hq (at) igem (dot) org.
The iGEM Registry has over 20,000 documented parts. The Catalog organizes many of these parts by part type, chassis, function, and more. Browse for parts through the Registry Catalog or use the search menu.
We've updated the Registry part collections. Users can discover new parts and collections and build upon what previous iGEM teams and labs have achieved.
Registry Help
Before starting your projects, be sure to read through our help pages. If you can't find an answer to your question, contact hq (at) igem . org.
Useful help topics:
Be sure to read through the Registry recommended protocols. They've been tested using the DNA Distribution Kit and BioBrick parts. See the Registry help pages for a list of protocols.
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