
Revision as of 13:40, 13 June 2008 by Randy (Talk | contribs)

Randy Rettberg, Director of the Registry of Standard Biological Parts and of the iGEM competition.

Assembly:Robotic Assembly:Files under development.

Part_Not_Found under development

Antibiotic_Resistance under development

File:Small Presenatation for Joerg.ppt

DNA Submission Formats

New Main Page

Help:Sequence Analysis

Help:Sequence Analysis:Definitions

Help:Sequence Analysis:Software Design

Registry API

<a href=''>BioBuilder iGEM Movie (22 MB)</a>

<a href=''>2007 Awards Dance Movie (10 MB)</a>

<a href=''>2007 Jamboree Slideshow (80 MB)</a>

<a href=''>2006 Slovenia Interview Alia (36 MB)</a>