Help:Protein coding

Revision as of 18:00, 17 July 2006 by Smelissali (Talk | contribs) (Tags)

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Coding parts are parts which create functional proteins. Most of the parts presented on this page are protein coding regions only--however a few of them currently also contain RBS sites.

Structure of Protein Coding Parts

Every biobrick coding region consists of the following structure:

  • It begins with a standard start codon: "ATG"
  • It ends with two "stop" codons: "TAA","TAA".

The actual coding sequence is sandwiched between the start codon and two stop codons. Thus the structure of a biobricks coding region sequence looks like: "ATG[your coding region]TAATAA"


A coding region can point RNA polymerase in either the forward or reverse directions depending on which strand of the double stranded DNA molecule it decides to bind to. Currently most Biobrick parts transcribe DNA in the forward direction.

References and Sources for Protein Coding Information

There are a number of excellent sources for protein sequence. Some of them include: *Pubmed (Entrez Protein) [ link]

  • UniProt [ link]
  • UniProt-SwissProt/TrEMBL [ link]
  • Protein Database (PDB) [ link]


Often, protein coding parts have tags attached to their ends in order to add functionalities such as fast degradation.

Because protein coding parts currently all end in the double stop codon "TAATAA", we currently cannot add on Tag parts in the manner of Biobricks Standard Assembly method.

For more information, visit Help:Tag.