

Designed by: Yiying Lei   Group: iGEM14_XMU-China   (2014-09-06)
Revision as of 14:46, 10 October 2014 by Leiyiying (Talk | contribs)

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Applications of BBa_K1412010

chemotaxis towards hyperosmotic pressure, a new killing device.

User Reviews


XMU-China iGEM 2014

BBa K1412010-2.png

The plot of Moving radius versus Sucrose concentration. The four curves were measured after 10h, 11h, 12h and 16.5h respectively.

E.coli make use of the EnvZ/OmpR system to mediate signal transduction in response to environmental osmolarity changes. EnvZ, a histidine kinase, undergoes trans-autophosphorylation, then the high energy phosphoryl group is subsequently transferred to OmpR, a response regulator. In the system, OmpR-controlled promoter (PompC) is involved in. The expression strength of PompC is depending upon the medium osmolarity. When medium osmolarity is increasing, the EnvZ will phosphorylate more OmpR into phosphorylated OmpR (OmpR-P), and more OmpR-P will result in stronger expression strength of PompC. In our circuitry design, CheZ is upstream regulated by PompC. As the osmotic pressure is increasing, the motile ability of the engineered E.coli keeps growing, resulting in it's suicide.



[1][;jsessionid=DB389E887A1738CF004BAD1B61A6D336.f01t01 Batchelor, Eric, and Mark Goulian. "Imaging OmpR localization in Escherichia coli." Molecular Microbiology 59.6(2006):1767–1778.]

[2][ Kawaji, H., T. Mizuno, and S. Mizushima. "Influence of molecular size and osmolarity of sugars and dextrans on the synthesis of outer membrane proteins O-8 and O-9 of Escherichia coli K-12." Journal of bacteriology 140.3 (1979): 843-847.]