Recombination/Bacteriophage P1-derived Cre-lox

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Chris Anderson, a professor of bioengineering at UC Berkeley, constructed the lox recombination site BBa_J61046.
Eimad Shotar, a member of the [ 2007 Paris iGEM team], constructed the lox recombination sites BBa_I718016 and BBa_I718017.

The following text is excerpted from Siegel et al. Siegel04.

Bacteriophage P1 uses a site-specific recombination system that is responsible for partitioning newly synthesized genomic copies during replication Abremski, Hoess. This system is composed of a 38-kD phage-encoded Cre recombinase that mediates symmetrical recombination between two 34-bp loxP sites Abremski, which are recreated after recombination. Recombination between two compatible loxP sites will excise or invert the intervening DNA in the case of an intramolecular reaction or transfer suitably flanked loxP DNA in an intermolecular double cross-over recombination event. The Cre/loxP system does not require accessory factors to carry out recombination in vivo or in vitro. Importantly, the Cre/lox system has also been shown to be functional in site-specific recombination in mammalian cell lines Sauer88.

Studies have also identified several hetero-specific loxP sequences that exclusively recombine with themselves, but not with wild-type lox Hoess86, Sauer92, Lee98, Siegel01. For example, the mutant lox66 and lox71 sites make the inversion reaction largely unidirectional, so that the intervening DNA does not flip back to the original orientation.


Recombination sites

BBa_I718016lox66 . . . cttggtatagcatacattatacgaacggta 34
BBa_I718017lox71 . . . gttcgtatacgatacattatacgaagttat 34
BBa_J61046[Lox] site for recombination . . . cttcgtataatgtatgctatacgaagttat 34
BBa_K1680005loxP Site . . . cttcgtatagcatacattatacgaagttat 34
BBa_K315011Variant reverse lox N . . . cttcgtatagtataccttatacgaagttat 34
BBa_K41600236 Base Pair LoxP . . . tcgtataatgtatgctatacgaagttatcg 36
BBa_K886000Fixed lox71 . . . gttcgtatagcatacattatacgaagttat 34


BBa_K1680008 Δ1-19 Cre recombinase    972
BBa_K3120003 A human codon-optimized SpCas9    4101
BBa_K112115 a~Cre    1036
BBa_I716212 Cre (GTG start)    1032
BBa_I716213 Cre (TTG start)    1032
BBa_J61047 Cre DNA recombinase    1037
BBa_K1680007 Cre recombinase    1029
BBa_K112122 Cre with stop codon    1032
BBa_K1680017 Cre-Dronpa Fusion    1728
BBa_K1680018 Cre-Dronpa fusion    1746
BBa_K1680019 Cre-dronpa fusion    1764
BBa_K1680020 Cre-dronpa fusion    1782
BBa_K1680021 Dronpa caged Cre with NLS    2433
BBa_K1680022 Dronpa caged Cre with NLS    2451
BBa_K1680023 Dronpa caged Cre with NLS    2469
BBa_K1680024 Dronpa caged Cre with NLS    2487

Composite parts

BBa_I718008GeneratoraraC-pBad-rbs-cre2276In stock
BBa_K082011Translational_UnitB0034-J61047 1055It's complicated
BBa_K132027Generatorcre induced by iptg2781It's complicated
BBa_K132028Generatorcre terminator1195It's complicated
BBa_I718007Translational_UnitRBS-CRE1058In stock
BBa_K886003DeviceRecombination Device composed by Cre-lox71 1079It's complicated
BBa_K886001DeviceRecombination Device composed by lox71-Cre recombinase1077In stock
BBa_K1680025ReporterRFP-luciferase Cre reporter2900It's complicated



  1. Abremski pmid=6319400
  2. Hoess pmid=6230671
  3. Hamilton pmid=6333513
  4. Hoess86 pmid=3457367
  5. Sauer88 pmid=2839833
  6. Sauer92 pmid=1554399
  7. Lee98 pmid=9714735
  8. Sauer98 pmid=9608509
  9. Siegel01 pmid=11576551
  10. Sauer02 pmid=12624421
  11. Siegel04 pmid=15173117
