

Designed by: T7.2   Group: T7.2   (2005-04-05)

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Applications of BBa_Z0251

User Reviews


iGEM2020 Team Edinburgh

iGEM 2020 TEam Edinburgh has tested successfully tested this promoter. It was ordered as a synthesized sequence rather than cloning it. It's efficiency was not assessed in comparison to other T7 promoters. Nevertheless it was used in the BBa_K3380500 construct (full description of the methods can be found under theexperience page of the BBA_K3380500 page) to express the iSpinach RNA aptamer (BBa_K3380500) flanked by F30 tRNA scaffolds (BBa_K3380101 and BBa_K3380102) some of the results can be seen below.




5 minutes after fluorophore addition 10 minutes after fluorophore addition 15 min after fluorophore addition




20 minutes after fluorophore addition 25 minutes after fluorophore addition 30 min after fluorophore addition

Figure 2. Impact of DFHBI fluorophore addition to the construct BBa_K3380500 over time. Each time point has 3 PCR tubes: the first one containing the construct + DFHBI fluorophore, second once having the fluorophore and no construct and the 3rd one having no T7 RNA polymerase added. The fluorescence was imaged under a Safe Imager™ Blue-Light Transilluminator (Invitrogen) with an amber filter unit and a phone camera. The details regarding the assembling process can be found in the Experience page of this construct[1].
