
Designed by: Zibin Chu   Group: iGEM23_BUCT-China   (2023-08-20)

LY6E _Target_4

LY6E _Target_4 (BBa_K4612103) is a single-stranded DNA sequence with 30 nucleotides, and is a part of the gene LY6E sequence that is intercepted with guaranteed specificity in humans. LY6E facilitates HIV-1 entry by enhancing the process of virus-cell fusion. And it regulates viral infections such as yellow fever virus (YFV), dengue virus (DENV), influenza A virus (IAV) and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)[1]. Therefore, the expression of LY6E has a role in determining whether it is a viral infection or not, and can be given weight. Figure 1 illustrates the specific function of this component: it binds to the probe as a target, and then the polymerase uses it as a primer for a polymerase-mediated strand displacement reaction. The weighted strand that is replaced is then subjected to a subsequent reaction.
LY6E viral viral
Sequence and Features BBa_K4612103 SequenceAndFeatures
