3L.3_23.B1.02 is 763 bases long and is cloned into the pGem-T vector.
3L.3_23.B1.02 was designed as a piece of synthetic chromosome 3 with the goal of minimizing and stabilizing that chromosome and to that end has had any tRNAs, introns, repeat regions, and transposons that were present in the wildtype chromosome removed. In addition a very few gene sequences were slightly recoded to add or remove restriction enzyme recognition sites to facilitate assembly; most gene sequences were slightly recoded to introduce unique primers for diagnostic PCR amplification, and some gene sequences were slightly recoded to address the distribution of stop codon usage. 3L.3_23.B1.02 is a constituent of 3L.3_23.B1 (along with 3L.3_23.B1.01, 3L.3_23.B1.03, 3L.3_23.B1.04, 3L.3_23.B1.05, 3L.3_23.B1.06, 3L.3_23.B1.07, 3L.3_23.B1.08, 3L.3_23.B1.09, 3L.3_23.B1.10, 3L.3_23.B1.11, 3L.3_23.B1.12, 3L.3_23.B1.13, and 3L.3_23.B1.14.)
This part contains at least part of the following features (positions offset from first base of sequence):
kind and name offset notes
ARS ARS304 (508..+965) Autonomously Replicating Sequence on Chromosome III
Sequence (the first 763 bases correspond to coordinates 19896..20658 in synthetic chromosome yeast_chr3_3_23)
Sequence and Features
- 10INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[10]Illegal SpeI site found at 507
- 12INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[12]Illegal SpeI site found at 507
- 23INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[23]Illegal SpeI site found at 507
- 25INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[25]Illegal SpeI site found at 507
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