

Designed by: Xianghui Zhao   Group: iGEM17_SDU_CHINA   (2017-10-24)

This is a tetR expression device containing IPTG inducing promoter, RBS, tetR repressor tagged with yBFP and terminator. TetR is a tetracycline binding protein. In the case of tetracycline does not exist, the tetR binds with tetracycline operon, so the gene can not expression. When tetracycline come into cells, tetracycline and tetR will combine together, changing tetR’s conformation to make tetR remove from tetracycline operon, thus relieving inhibition by tetR. When there is no tetracycline, it expresses tetR with yBFP; however, once tetracycline binds to tetR, it would inhibits the expression of blue fusion protein, and there is no BFP signal.
