SNP for consuming alcoholic taste allele
The ability of humans to sense food taste is driven in part by genetic polymorphisms in the taste receptor cells (TRCs) organized in taste buds located within gustatory papillae. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in genes encoding to taste receptors (belonging to the G-proteins coupled receptors family) have been found to influence peoples abilities to taste bitter (PTC, Coffee, Grapefruit juice), sweet, umami (Monosodium gluten), salts, Cilantro preference and more. People's ability to consume oral medications is driven in part by their sensitivity to drug bitterness.
Alcohol consumption is dependent polymorphism in SNP allele as show below:
We generate a SNPs gene panel- with those bio bricks which can determine people's preference of food tastes using Taqman assay on the Fluidigm nano-fluidic gene dynamic array chips (96:96). Endpoint fluorescent image data is acquired on the BioMark™ System for genetic analysis and data is analyzed using the Fluidigm SNP Genotyping Analysis software, to obtain genotype calls. In addition to saliva collection from students volunteering to participate, after completing their phenotypes forms of response to food tastes, we generate a synthetic DNA harboring the wildtype (taste) and mutant (non-taste) alleles (SNP) for the ability to sense taste which will be used as control for the Taqman assay.
usage and biology
engineered selected SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) in favor of this reaction. the SNP that were created enable identification of a certain taste out of the five known senses of taste, each of the tastes will change the variability that make it possible to identify the taste . This selected SNP contein to consuming alcoholic taste- rs846672
Pic 1- Results of DNA students samples Compared to synthetic SNP DNA in the panel in Taqman reaction conditions on the Fluidigm chip. Wild Type (Taste SNPs) marked with VIC- green color. Mutant (Non-taste SNPs) is marked with FAM- red color. Blue color (show with green and red color) - mean that there are population genetic polymorphisms in the country.
Pic 2- the population genetic polymorphism in the country in the context of this SNP.
Functional Parameters
Using SNP segments – the Taqman reaction makes it possible to identify the presence of a specific allele tested for a specific taste. sample DNA is tested for the presence of a specific allele rs846672.
SNPs are screened using the Fluidigm BioMark apparatus (Fluidigm Corp.) with 15 Assay-specific TaqMan we will receive a fluorescence signal due to the release of a PROBE and or not. 73 DNA samples were tested using this method. Each sample (taste) was tested to check for the presence of alleles SNPs
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