This part was made up of promoter BBa_J23119, ribosome binding site (RBS) BBa_B0030, LuxR coding sequence BBa_C0062 and double terminator BBa_B0015.
Usage and Biology
This part allows for the constitutive expression of LuxR protein from the promoter BBa_J23119. The LuxR protein originated from Vibrio fischeri, and is a regulatory protein of the Lux operon. The Lux operon can be transcribed from from the left (operonL) or right (operonR). Transcription of operonR, which consists of LuxICDABE, occurs only in the presence of N-(3-oxo-hexanoyl)-homoserine lactone (AHL), which is an autoinducer produced by LuxI (Shaldel and Baldwin, 1991). This also produces light due to the production of LuxCDABE (Shaldel and Baldwin, 1991). Transcription of operonL leads to the production of LuxR (Shaldel and Baldwin, 1991). In the presence of rising amounts of AHL, LuxR-AHL complexes begin to form, and LuxR undergoes a conformational change that leads to the activation of the Lux operon (Trott, 2000).
This part can be used if you require constitutive production of LuxR to activate production of genes under the control of pLuxR (BBa_R0062).
Sequence and Features
- 12INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[12]Illegal NheI site found at 7
Illegal NheI site found at 30 - 21COMPATIBLE WITH RFC[21]
- 25INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[25]Illegal AgeI site found at 50
Construction of composite LuxR
The full composite LuxR was made from overlap PCR of 3 fragments - namely the "front" fragment, comprising of the biobrick prefix, promoter, RBS, as well as some bases from the LuxR coding sequence; the "middle" fragment, comprising of a little of the RBS, the coding sequence of LuxR, the HA tag as well as a few bases of the terminator sequence; and the "terminator" fragment, comprising of a small part of the LuxR coding sequence, the HA tag, the double terminator and the biobrick suffix.
Verification of composite LuxR
In order to verify that the complete LuxR composite has been made via overlap PCR, DNA gel electrophoresis was performed, and the expected band size was 1034 bp. As seen from Figure 1, the band size of product termed 'Full LuxR' has approximately the correct band size of around 1000 bp.
A western blot was also done to verify that the LuxR protein is produced constitutively, as seen in Figure 2. The expected protein band size is around 30 kDa, which is labelled in Figure 2.
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