Yeast ɤ-terpinene generator
This device contains the region of the TEF1 yeast constitutive promoter, GST tag, ɤ-terpinene synthase coding site(BBa_K1448000), and CYC1 terminator. This device can constitutively express ɤ-terpinene synthase in yeast (introducing this device makes yeast cells express ɤ-terpinene synthase constitutively).
Western-bloting analysis
Yeast cells carrying plasmids of p427-TEF-GST-monoterpenoid synthase were cultivated overnight in SD medium (0.67% yeast nitrogen base and 2% glucose with G418) 50mL at 28°C. Cells were collected and kept at -30˚C. Western blot analysis was carried out using anti-GST antibody and 12.5% polyacrylamide gel with SDS.
Western blot data (Fig.2) showed clear bands around 90kDa in the lanes of p427-TEF- monoterpenoid synthase but not in the lane of empty vector.
In vivo detection of ɤ-terpinene using GC
Since ɤ-terpinene is a volatile material, we expected that an amount of ɤ-terpinene were detected at the headspace of the culture in which the transformant with ɤ-terpinene generator is cultivated and tried the detection by GC analysis.
GC analysis ofɤ-terpinene in the culture
Materials and Methods
We cultivated the transformants containing ɤ-terpinene generator in p427-TEF or only empty p427-TEF in 50 mL SD medium (0.67% yeast nitrogen base and 2% glucose with G418) at 29˚C, 120 rpm for 24 h.
Analytic instrument: Shimadzu GC14A
Column: GLScience InertCap1 (15m Length,0.25 mm I.D., 0.25mm film thickness)
Injection port 200C, Detector port 210 C
Detector: Flame Ionization Detector
Column Oven Temperature 40C/5min- 10C/min-200C/5min
Carrier Gas: Helium
we uesd SPME (SOLID PHASE MICROEXTRACTION) to catch ɤ-terpinene at the headspace of the culture. However, any amounts of ɤ-terpinene were not detected at the headspace of the culture (the exposure time is 30min).
Next we tried to catch ɤ-terpinene in the liquid phase of the culture using monotrap (the exposure time is 1h) and an amount of ɤ-terpinene was detected in the liquid phase of the culture.
Growth curve
Introduction :
Various mono-terpenoids are known to have an anti-microbial property. In order to evaluate the anti-microbial property of -terpinene, we made the growth curve of yeast cells containing -terpinene generator and compare to that of yeast cells without -terpinene generator.
Method :
We cultivated the transformants containing -terpinene generator in p427-TEF or only empty p427-TEF in 50 mL SD medium (0.67% yeast nitrogen base and 2% glucose with G418) at 29˚C, 120 rpm for 24 h. OD600 was measured every 2 h.
Result :
Yeast cells containing ɤ-terpinene generator showed slower growth than cells containing empty p427-TEF, indicating that γ-terpinene inhibits the growth of yeast cells.
Sequence and Features
- 21INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[21]Illegal BamHI site found at 204
Illegal XhoI site found at 715 - 23COMPATIBLE WITH RFC[23]
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