mtrCAB - gene cluster from S. oneidensis for cytochrome expression
Usage and Biology
To enable transfer of electrons from the general metabolism to the outside of the cell, the mtrCAB operon from [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/1082?project_id=57949 Shewanella oneidensis MR-1] was heterologously expressed in E. coli. This operon encodes for a minimal set of genes required to build an electron shuttle pathway via different c-type cytochromes. Electrons from the native E. coli protein [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/EGT66377.1 NapC] are passed to the periplasmic [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717386.1 MtrA], which transports them to the outer membrane protein [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717385.1 MtrB]. Via the membrane-bound [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717387.1 MtrC] the corresponding electrons can be transferred to extracellular electron acceptors like the anode of a microbial fuel cell.
Part uses
Device | Regulatory Part | Promoter | RBS | Activity |
BBa_K1172403 | BBa_K608006 | Anderson 0.33 | medium | medium |
BBa_K1172404 | BBa_K608002 | Anderson 0.77 | strong | strong |
BBa_K1172405 | BBa_K525998 | T7 induced | strong | very strong |
Sequence and Features
- 25INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[25]Illegal NgoMIV site found at 2049
- 1000INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[1000]Illegal BsaI site found at 235
- The amplification of the mtrCAB cluster from the genome of S. oneidensis and the deletion of illegal restriction sites was accomplished.
- The gene cluster was succesfully ligated into the shipping vector pSB1C3 forming the BioBrick BBa_K1172401
- The gene cluster was ligated into three expression vectors with varying promoter strength forming the following devices
- To prove the expression of the Mtr proteins, E. coli cultures were transformed transformed with BBa_K1172403, BBa_K1172405 (uninduced) and BBa_K1172401 as a control and then cultivated anaerobically. Membrane and periplasmatic fractions of the cells were isolated by [http://2013.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-Germany/Labjournal/ProtocolsPrograms#Cold_osmotic_shock Cold osmotic shock fractioning.] and analyzed by [http://2013.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-Germany/Labjournal/ProtocolsPrograms#Sodium_dodecyl_sulfate_polyacrylamide_gel_electrophoresis_.28SDS-PAGE.29 SDS-PAGE]; the results are shown in Figure 5.
- The membrane fraction should contain [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717385.1 MtrB] and [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717387.1 MtrC] of the Mtr complex, with sizes of 72 kDa and 69 kDa, respectively.
- The periplasmatic fraction should only contain the [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717386.1 MtrA] protein of the Mtr complex (32 kDa).
- It was not possible to confirm the expression of the Mtr proteins by [http://2013.igem.org/Team:Bielefeld-Germany/Labjournal/ProtocolsPrograms#Sodium_dodecyl_sulfate_polyacrylamide_gel_electrophoresis_.28SDS-PAGE.29 SDS-PAGE] analysis, as no significant differences between control and experimental condition were visible at the relevant heights of the SDS-PAGE.
- The redox activity of [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717386.1 MtrA] and [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/protein/NP_717387.1 MtrC] was probed via absorption spectroscopy and did not show significant indications for a positive result as the expected shift of the Soret peak from 410 nm to 420 nm could not be observed.
- The electron transfer system from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 seems to be suitable for the usage in our Microbial Fuel Cell in principle. However, expression regulation, heme-loading, and correct folding as well as localization of the cytochromes are very complex and therefore our team was not able to produce the functional system in the available time.
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