

Designed by: Clément Alain Serge Corneil Vanmerris   Group: iGEM24_UNILausanne   (2024-09-30)


tSIF2 terminator stabilizes Argonaute expression in yeast by ensuring proper transcript termination.

  • The tSIF2 terminator is a crucial regulatory element for the efficient expression of genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast). Derived from the SIF2 gene, this terminator plays an essential role in transcriptional regulation, ensuring that gene expression is both accurate and effective. Its primary functions include:

Transcript Stabilisation: The tSIF2 sequence facilitates proper termination of mRNA transcripts, ensuring that they are stabilized and protected from degradation. This allows for the preservation of mRNA integrity, which is essential for the continuous and efficient expression of the associated gene.

Efficient Expression: By providing a clear and reliable termination signal for RNA polymerase, the tSIF2 terminator ensures that transcription halts at the correct point, preventing read-through into adjacent genes. This precise termination enhances the expression efficiency of downstream genes by promoting the production of stable, functional mRNA that is ready for translation.

Secondary Structure


