
Part:BBa_K4074036:Hard Information

Designed by: MIT iGEM 2021   Group: iGEM21_MIT   (2021-10-01)

Contents: lox71, bkd promoter, Pveg, lox66 What it is: Lox71 is a site specific recombination cassette and belongs to the loxP family. Pveg is a constitutive promoter. What it does: bkd promoter defines where transcription of bkd by RNA polymerase begins. lox66 has an altered sequence at the end of it's left arm compared to loxP. This sequence variation reduces affinity of the Cre recombinase for the arm. After recombination between a lox71 and a lox66, one of the two resulting generated lox sites has very low recombination potential as it inherited both mutated arms. Pveg constitutively expresses the P43 protein in B. subtilis.