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Applications of BBa_K200000
User Reviews
BBa_K200000 Review 1 Not understood
Imperial iGEM 09
As you can see from the diagram, the control cells have a smooth cell membrane.
However, for those cells where RcsB (BBa_K200000) is induced, there is an obvious outer coating of colanic acid that forms on the outside of the cells, encapsulating the cell fully.
We have in addition conducted a functionality test to see if colanic acid encapsulation protects the cell from acidic environments.
Overnight cultures were incubated in pH 2 buffer solutions for 4 hours. Cells were plated before and after the experiment to determine the colony forming units. From the graph, it shows that cells encapsulated with colanic acid have a much improved cell viability, with colony forming units almost 2 orders of magnitude higher than control cells. This provides a clear demonstration of the protective effects of colanic acid expression via RcsB.
With the additional genes YgiV and RfaI, we expect the cell viability to increase further as an even more complete protective capsule is being produced.