

Designed by: Chaoran Li   Group: iGEM24_NAU-CHINA   (2024-09-07)
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Applications of BBa_K5398020

In order to obtain proteins with adhesive properties, we used the pET SUMO vector to express TRn4-mfp5 ( BBa_K5398020) ). We tried different strategies for TRn4-mfp5 protein production and purification and tested its function.


In order to obtain proteins, test suitable expression conditions, and evaluate the function of TRn4-mfp5, we chose three different expression vectors (Fig. 1)—pET-28a(+), pET SUMO, and pET-21a(+)—and tried different strategies for TRn4-mfp5 protein production and purification.

Protein purification

Fig. 1 | Three different vectors used in protein expression.

a. The plasmid map of pET-28a(+)-His-SUMO-TRn4-mfp5; b. The plasmid map of pET SUMO-TRn4-mfp5; c. The plasmid map of pET-21a(+)-TRn4-mfp5.

Protein Expression

We expressed the protein in E. coli BL21 (DE3) using LB medium. After incubation at 16°C for 20 h and then at 37°C for 4 h, we found that the protein expressed better under the 16°C for 20 h condition, as indicated by the stronger bands in Fig. 2. This suggests that lower temperature incubation may enhance protein solubility and proper folding, resulting in improved yield.

Protein purification

Fig. 2 | Comparison of fusion protein expression in different temperature use vector pET-21a(+).

Lanes 1-6 (LB 37°C 4 h): 1. Protein ladder; 2. total liquid (+IPTG); 3. supernatant (+IPTG); 4. precipitate (+IPTG); 5. total liquid (-IPTG); 6. supernatant (-IPTG); 7. precipitate (-IPTG); Lanes 8-13 (TB 16°C 20 h): 8. Protein ladder; 9. total liquid (+IPTG); 10. supernatant (+IPTG); 11. precipitate (+IPTG); 12. total liquid (-IPTG); 13. supernatant (-IPTG); 14. precipitate (-IPTG).

Since there was some discrepancy in the target band size observed in the protein gel image, and the bands were not very distinct, we also tried another medium in an attempt to increase the expression level of the fusion protein. We additionally used TB medium and compared its expression efficiency with that of LB medium. We found that the bands in the TB medium were indeed thicker than those in the LB medium, indicating a slight increase in expression levels, although the difference was not significant.

Protein purification

Fig. 3 | Comparison of fusion protein expression in LB and TB media use vector pET-21a(+).

Lanes 1-6 (LB 16°C 20 h): 1. Protein ladder; 2. total liquid (+IPTG); 3. supernatant (+IPTG); 4. precipitate (+IPTG); 5. total liquid (-IPTG); 6. supernatant (-IPTG); 7. precipitate (-IPTG); Lanes 8-13 (TB 16°C 20 h): 8. Protein ladder; 9. total liquid (+IPTG); 10. supernatant (+IPTG); 11. precipitate (+IPTG); 12. total liquid (-IPTG); 13. supernatant (-IPTG); 14. precipitate (-IPTG).

We compared protein expression between the BL21(DE3) and Rosetta E. coli strains. Rosetta, derived from BL21, includes a compatible chloramphenicol-resistant plasmid that provides tRNA genes for six rare codons (AUA, AGG, AGA, CUA, CCC, GGA) that are lacking in E. coli<i/>. This modification is intended to address expression limitations associated with the high usage frequency of these rare codons in eukaryotic genes. We used the pET SUMO vector for expression. The results indicate that the protein expression level in the BL21(DE3) strain is higher compared to that in the Rosetta strain.
Protein purification

Fig. 4 | Comparison of fusion protein expression in E. coli strains BL21(DE3) and Rosetta.

1. Protein ladder Lanes 2-4 (BL21(DE3) LB 37℃ 4h) 2. total liquid (+IPTG); 3. supernatant (+IPTG); 4. precipitate (+IPTG); Lanes 5-7 (Rosetta LB 37℃ 4h) 5. total liquid (+IPTG); 6. supernatant (+IPTG); 7. precipitate (+IPTG).

Protein purification

Fig. 4 | SDS-PAGE of purified fusion protein TRn4-mfp5 (35.4 kDa) using vector pET SUMO.

Lane 1: Protein - Binding buffer; Lane 2: 20 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution; Lane 3: 50 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution; Lane 4: 150 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution; Lane 5: 300 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution; Lane 6: 500 mM imidazole and 8 M urea elution; Lane 7: Supernatant; Lane 8: Impurities; Lane 9: Protein ladder.

Protein Purification

We obtained protein samples of TRn4-mfp5 by freezedrying 24 h (Fig. 6). The final yield was about 25 mg/L bacterial culture.

Protein purification

Fig. 6 | The protein sample freeze-dried by a lyophilizer.

Next, we dissolved protein samples in Buffer A (10 ml 20 mM Tris pH8) to reach 0.3 mg/mL, and conduct adhesive ability tests on the fusion protein(Fig. 7). 200 μL of the protein solution was applied, and the pipette tip was placed on a plastic Petri dish lid. After incubation at 37°C for 8 hours, the pipette tip successfully adhered.

Protein purification

Fig. 7 | Adhesive Ability Test of Fusion Protein on Plastic Surface

More information about the project for which the part was created: SAMUS (NAU-CHINA 2024).


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[2] Zhang, C., Wu, B., Zhou, Y., et al. Mussel-inspired hydrogels: from design principles to promising applications [J]. Chem Soc Rev, 2020, 49: 3605-3637.

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