Part:BBa_K5378007:Sequence, Features, and Subparts
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Usage and Biology
FeaR is an AraC family regulator that activates transcription of the tynA and feaB genes in Escherichia coli.feaR-A81L was identified as PEA-specific variantss,with 580-fold induction.
Functional Verification
In our project, FeaR-A81L binds to phenylacetaldehyde (PAG) and induces the expression from PtynA.
Rottinghaus, A. G., Xi, C., Amrofell, M. B., Yi, H., & Moon, T. S. (2022). Engineering ligand-specific biosensors for aromatic amino acids and neurochemicals. Cell systems, 13(3), 204-214.