Designed by: Phillip Dodson Group: iGEM07_Melbourne (2007-10-21)
Revision as of 11:08, 18 October 2009 by Jaspervdg (Talk | contribs) (Undo revision 67104 by Jaspervdg (Talk))
{ script: "var rm=Number(document.getElementById('rhomedium').value),\
rv=Number(document.getElementById('rhovesicle').value),\ rhomedium=[rm,rm,1030,rm],\ rhovesicle=[279.19,rv,rv,119.60];\ var d=[{title:'Li1998',data:[],args:{stroke: {color: '#F00'}}},{title:'Ours',data:[],args:{stroke: {color: '#0F0'}}},{title:'Ours (seawater)',data:[],args:{stroke: {color: '#0F0', style: 'Dash'}}},{title:'Walsby1994',data:[],args:{stroke: {color: '#00F'}}}];\ for(var i=0; i<=50; i++) {\ var rhocell=10*i+1000;\ for(var j=0; j<d.length; j++) d[j].data.push({x:rhocell,y:1.0 - (rhomedium[j] - rhovesicle[j])/(rhocell - rhovesicle[j])});\ } d;",
width: '10cm', height: '8cm', axes: {x: {title: "cell density (kg/m³)", minorLabels: false}, y: {title: "volume fraction of vesicles", vertical: true, min:0} }, plots: { 'default': {type: 'Lines'} } }