
Part:BBa_K4790064:Sequence, Features, and Subparts

Designed by: Yi Zheng   Group: iGEM23_NNU-CHINA   (2023-08-13)
Revision as of 01:56, 14 August 2023 by ZWing (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Firstly, we use profile-HMM algorithm instead of BLAST local alignment algorithm. To obtain PETase-related protein sequences from all species, Pfam entries and HMMER web serve...")

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Firstly, we use profile-HMM algorithm instead of BLAST local alignment algorithm. To obtain PETase-related protein sequences from all species, Pfam entries and HMMER web server were used to search Swiss-prot and NCBI public databases. Then we set up a database of PETase protein sequences by selecting relatively strict sequences according to e-value, and manually adding sequences identified by homology. Finally, the phylogenetic tree was established through the ML algorithm of fireprot server, and several ancestor sequences of PETase were obtained according to the evolved nodes, among which the most primitive sequence was node 59.