sfGFP(BBa_K2762014) is able to show fluorescence in an acidic environment. We use this plasmid to test the growth curve in our hydroponic system.
E.coli (sfGFP_pET11a) growth curve
These are the results of our sfGFP_pET11a test. We measured the pH, OD 600, and fluorescence of the cell culture of the transformed E.coli. We use these three indicators to validate the pH neutralizing function and the survival and growth curve of the E.coli transformed with sfGFP_pET11a plasmid.
1. Fluorescence test
The fluorescence of sfGFP in pH 5 is significantly higher than the fluorescence of Pasr-glsA. It is possibly because the protein size of the sfGFP is smaller than Pasr-glsA, which at the same time produces ammonia to neutralize the environment. In a pH 7 environment, the fluorescence of both sfGFP and Pasr-glsA is relatively similar and reached the same point at the eighth hour. In a pH 9 environment, both fluorescence of sfGFP and Pasr-glsA are low compared to data in pH 5 and 7. This proved that sfGFP and Pasr-glsA, which have the same acid promoter (asr) show low fluorescence in a high-pH environment.
Sequence and Features
- 10INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[10]Illegal XbaI site found at 1283
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