

Designed by: Grant Robinson   Group: iGEM10_MIT   (2010-08-20)
Revision as of 12:04, 23 September 2021 by Venetios (Talk | contribs)

cymR Repressor Protein

The cymR repressor tightly and efficiently binds the cmt operator. In conjunction with part BBa_K415200, this repressor may be used to create an inverter or similar logical circuitry. cymR changes conformation upon induction with cumate (isopropylbenozate), and may be used in a manner similar to the lacI/IPTG system.

The cymR repressor appears to bind the complementary cmt operator more efficiently than lac repressor binds the lac operator, according to Choi, et al. in a recent (as of 2010) paper titled, "A novel, versatile, and tightly regulated expression system for E. Coli strains."
