This cassette was assembled from 6 part plasmids via Golden Gate assembly using the BsmbBI restriction enzyme. The two connectors (pYTK002 and pYTK072), as well as the terminator (pYTK053) and the Ampicilin resistance/backbone (pYTK095) part plasmids are part of the YTK toolkit developed by Lee et al.1 and can be ordered online.
The promoter part plasmid (BBa_K3600004) and the reporter part plasmid (BBa_K3600010) were synthesized by us.
Usage and Biology
This cassette contains the GLR1 promoter upstream of a reporter gene (mScarlet-i). GLR1 is a stress response gene in s.cerevisiae that is regulated by the YAP1 master regulator2. This cassette is then assembled with a part plasmid containing Lys2 homology sequences (BBa_K36000012) in another Golden Gate BsmBI assembly, to give a final integration cassette (BBa_K3600017).
Sequence and Features No part name specified with partinfo tag.
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