PR1 promot


Designed by: Assaf Vital   Group: iGEM19_BGU_Israel   (2019-09-09)
Revision as of 09:55, 12 October 2019 by Assafi (Talk | contribs) (Characterization)

Long Description

PR1 promoter is an attenuated promoter of the pBEST plasmid’s PR promoter. It can be used in a polycistronic plasmid to express more than one gene. It can be used to get lower expression levels of genes than the original PR promoter, which can sometimes help the protein expression and was shown to be more effective during in-vivo gene expression. Our devices contain this promoter, alongside Bti toxin subunits and deGFP, thus expressing toxins with functional usage and deGFP for tracking of our bacteria.

Usage and Biology

Promoters are regulatory DNA parts, which can be used to express genes.


The PR1 promoter can be expressed in E. Coli and Serratia Marcescens. In the following photos, we see genes expressed from the polycistronic plasmid, which our PR1 promoter is it’s promoter in Serratia Marcescens 274 fed to Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes larvae.

The following westerns show the ability of our PR1 promoter to be used in various polycistronic plasmids.

Mosquitoes' larva that was fed with serratia marcescens 274 expressing plasmid with Cry11Aa and deGFP.
Western Blot of Bacteria expressing Cry11Aa and deGFP – proof of Cry11Aa expression
Western Blot of Bacteria expressing Cry4Ba and deGFP – proof of Cry4Ba expression
Western Blot of Bacteria expressing Cry11Aa, P20 and deGFP – proof of P20 expression