

Designed by: Julian Liber   Group: iGEM18_MichiganState   (2018-10-10)
Revision as of 00:56, 11 October 2018 by Liberjul (Talk | contribs) (Applications of BBa_K2633006)

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Applications of BBa_K2633006

This part was transformed using a restriction site illegal version of BBa_K2633000[1]. It was then used to inoculate Brachypodium distachyon seeds. Transformed bacteria expressing GFP were observed on and inside roots from 1 to 4 weeks post inoculation.

Figure 1. A) FCP2-01 transformed with GFP (left) vs wild-type (right) under blue light with orange filter. B) Transformed colonies on an agar plate.


Figure 2. 3 weeks post inoculation on plant roots. A) FCP2-01 forming large colonies abount 2 mm long in B. distachyon roots B) Detail of panel A. C) FCP2-01 growing between plant cells on the root surface. D) Detail of colonies on root epidermis.


Figure 3. 4 weeks post inoculation on plant roots. A) FCP2-01 on B. distachyon roots. B) FCP2-0 colonizing root hairs. C) FCP2-01 growing on epidermis of the root. D) Enlarged image of panel C.


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UNIQ221a41d6eb3fb59e-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ221a41d6eb3fb59e-partinfo-00000001-QINU