Vh cqsA


Designed by: Paul ZANONI   Group: iGEM17_INSA-UPS_France   (2017-10-08)
Revision as of 16:53, 8 October 2017 by Pzanoni (Talk | contribs)

Vibrio harveyi C8-CAI-1 (quorum sensing inducer) generator 


The production of the Vibrio harveyi quorum sensing inducer (C8-CAI-1) is under the control of the cqsA gene coding for the CqsA enzyme.

This enzyme catalyzes the production of C8-CAI-1, an analog of CAI-1 quorum sensing inducer from V. cholerae.

The BBa_K2278001 part was designed to produce C8-CAI-1 to simulate the presence of V. cholerae in a water sample and so, to allow the validation of our V. cholerae quorum sensing based detection system. It belongs to the sensing module in the Croc’n cholera project of iGEM INSA-UPS-France 2017 :

The part includes: Vibrio harveyi’s cqsA enzyme under the control of an IPTG inducible promoter. The C8-CAI-1 producing system is inducible in order to avoid toxicity problems and high metabolic activity during cells growth.

As this gene comes from V. harveyi which is a BSL1 organism, it can be used as substitute in experiment about the V. cholerae quorum sensing in BSL1 condition.
