This part: AhpCp2 is one of the improvement versions of BioBrick Part: ahpC promoter (Part:K362001) designed by [http://2010.igem.org/Team:KIT-Kyoto/Parts 2010 KIT-Tokyo team]. AhpCp2 (Part:BBa_K1104205) was used as sensor to ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). More details about ROS-induced promoters and part improvements of ahpC promoter are in page:[http://2013.igem.org/Team:NYMU-Taipei/Project/Inhibition/Sensor Sensing Nosema ceranae].
We use the device: AhpCp2 +E0840 (Part:BBa_K1104245) includes promoter (Part:BBa_K1104205) and Part:BBa_E0840, induce the promoter by different concentrations of H2O2, and identify the strength. After AhpCp2 (Part:BBa_K1104205) is activated, GFP generator BBa_E0840 takes as input a transcriptional signal (PoPS) and produce as output the fluorescent protein GFP.
We tested the improved promoter: AhpCp2 by following these [http://2013.igem.org/wiki/index.php?title=Team:NYMU-Taipei/Experiments/Protocols&oldid=243384 Promoter Testing protocols]. This wiki page shows the protocols we used for promoter testing.
This is the relative promoter strength of BBa_K1104205 under different H202 concentrations tested using BBa_K11042045 (BBa_K1104205 +E0840) and found that there is a trend where the higher the H202 concentration, the higher the promoter expression:
Strengths of the basal level of various promoters that respond to reactive oxygen species with respect to BBa_J23101:
Promoter testing of ahpC promoter (Part:K362001) and its improvements.
Applications of BBa_K1104205
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