

Designed by: Joel Sher   Group: iGEM13_Yale   (2013-08-16)
Revision as of 22:48, 5 October 2013 by Jws67 (Talk | contribs) (Data)

Clostridum propionicum propionate CoA transferase

This is the DNA coding for the enzyme propionate CoA transferase from Clostridum propionicum. The enzyme normally catalyzes the reaction: acetyl-CoA + propanoate <--> acetate + propanoyl-CoA. This mutated sequence has four point mutations and one amino acid substitution (compared to the wild type enzyme) in order to produce (D)-Lactyl-CoA.
We used this enzyme as a the first enzyme in the pathway to create PLA or Polylactic acid. However, this biobrick it produces (D)-Lactyl-CoA which is the precursor to all PHA, this biobrick can be used in a wide range of projects.


Here is a gel showing our assembly of this gene. In order project we attached a promoter and terminator to the gene as well.

PCTgel.png PCT.png

  • Our project used this gene along with a Pseudomonas resinovorans PHA synthase gene to produce PLA. However, other teams can add other heterologous enzymes and produce different PHA. We tested the ability of our E. coli to produce PLA by using Nile red
    • Nile red is an intercellular lipid strain
    • Nile red does not affect the growth of bacteria, and its fluorescence is quenched in water
  • We then proceeded to test our strain with out plasmid in the plate reader.
    • Cells were grown for 24 hours with both enzymes induced and in the presence of Nile red. The cells were washed and re-suspended in PBS. The readings were normalized for optical density. Clearly, the one with our plasmid is more fluorescent indicating PLA production.
EcNR2 LB x20 wiki.jpg

  • After creating diversity using MAGE or Multiplex automated genome engineering, we needed a way to sort out those with the highest levels of fluorescence indicating greater PLA production. We decided to use FACS or FLuorescence activated cell sorting, to select those cells with the highest levels of fluorescence.
The first sample is the wild type cells. These do not have any heterologous enzymes and thus should not show any significant Nile red fluorescence, since they are not producing PLA. To keep all the control in place, this strain was grown overnight with the inducers and in the presence of Nile red to strain the PLA (this is the same procedure for all later strains as well). Wildtypea.jpg

This is EcNR2 with our plasmid containing both the PCT and PHA gene. The gate (labeled P2) was chosen to select those with the highest levels of fluorescence. There is clearly a bimodal distribution that appeared when our construct was added. We predict that this smaller peak represents those cells who were able to produce enough PLA to be detected by FACS. Baselinereal.jpg

This is a sample with sample is the all oligos. This is a combination of both the RBS oligos and the KO oligos. This sample has 98 cells within the gate, which is a six and a half fold increase. This means that there was diversity in our population and thus MAGE worked to increase the amount of PLA that our E. coli could produce. 66-All both.jpg

To read more about our project [ click here]
PLA pathway2.jpg

Sequence and Features

Assembly Compatibility:
  • 10
  • 12
  • 21
  • 23
  • 25
  • 1000
