

Designed by: NRP UEA   Group: iGEM13_NRP-UEA-Norwich   (2013-08-15)
Revision as of 08:51, 20 September 2013 by Holusac (Talk | contribs) (Sequencing)

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Team NRP-UEA_Norwich 2013

Team NRP-UEA_Norwich 2013 created this part using biobricks BBa_K1041000 and BBa_K1041001. These biobricks both contain a Nde1 site after their promoter sequence, enabling a restriction digest to be performed. The RFP coding gene was excised from BBa_K1041000 and ligated in front of the AntG promoter of BBa_K1041001 to create a new biobrick.

Characterisation of this biobrick involved sequencing, restriction digests and BLAST analysis.


The biobrick was sent off to a company for sequencing and the data we received back Figshowed the DNA is good quality.

K1041002 sequencing data part 1
K1041002 sequencing data part 2
K1041002 sequencing data part 3

BLAST Analysis

The data we recieved back from the sequencing company was aligned using BLAST with the expected DNA sequence fig.2

User Reviews

UNIQe3934b6fb5ac55c9-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQe3934b6fb5ac55c9-partinfo-00000001-QINU