Help:Part Status Box

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Part Status Box

The Part Status Box appears in the top right of every part page. It provides a summary of a part's status within the Registry and the Registry's Repository.

  1. Release Status: The completion of a part's information based on meeting the Registry's requirements
  2. Sample Status: The status of the part's physical DNA in the Repository
  3. Registry Star: The Registry's old rating system for parts considered to be of high quality
  4. Uses: The amount of times the part is used in composite parts in the Registry
  5. Get This Part: Link to the Get This Part page

1. Release Status

The completion of a part's information based on meeting the Registry's requirements

  • Released
    Parts released by submitters when they have met the Registry's requirements
  • Released HQ
    Parts released by iGEM HQ
  • Not Released
    Parts that are either in progress or imcomplete
  • Discontinued
    The amount of times the part is used in other composite parts in the Registry

2. Sample Status

The status of the part's physical DNA in the Repository

  • Sample In Stock
    A sample of the part exists in the Repository, and it has met our Quality Control criteria. It may be in the current distribution, or available by request.
  • Sample Pending
    A sample of the part exists in the Repository, but it has not yet fulfilled our Quality Control criteria. It is available by request.
  • Not in Stock
    There is no available sample for this part in the Repository. It cannot be requested.
  • Informational
    The part is strictly informational (BioBrick scar, primer sites, etc). As such, there is no available sample and it cannot be requested.

3. Registry Stars

The Registry's old rating system for parts considered to be of high quality.

4. Uses

The amount of times the part is used in composite parts in the Registry.

5. Get This Part

The Get This Part page will show you where you can find the location of a sample in the current distribution, or in the Repository.