Documentation:The image of the plasmid of this biobrick can be found in [http://2009.igem.org/Image:AI_Biobricks4.jpg (1)] and [http://2009.igem.org/Image:AI_Biobricks4.jpg (2)] with a gel analysis confirming dna size.
Applications of BBa_K266000
In the [http://2009.igem.org/Team:IPN-UNAM-Mexico/Parts IPN-UNAM MEXICO PROJECT]
User Reviews
Tokyo-tech iGEM 2012 |
Even though a 3OC12HSL-dependent LuxI generator (BBa_K266000) was constructed by IPN-UNAM-Mexico 2009 team, no experimental data has been supplied. Also, BBa_R0079, the lasI promoter used in BBa_K266000, was evaluated as an ineffective promoter in the Parts Experience page of the Registry. Thus, we constructed a new Plas-LuxI (BBa_K934012) by using an effective lasI promoter (BBa_K649000) and confirmed its activity. This result can be considered as an improvement of the 3OC12HSL-dependent LuxI generator part.