Experiments with BBa_K672000
We did Spectrophotometry measurments, obtaining the following results:
Which leads us to the following conclusions:
- The best growth is obtained in Luria Broth.
- Even though we obtained some growth at 23°C in the LB substrate, the Biobrick doesn't fulfill our expectations and requirements.
Experiments with Other BioBricks
BBa_K381001 Bristol
Sample ID Temperature (°C) Substrate Absorbance @420 nm
BBa_K381001 Bristol 23 LB 0.599
BBa_K381001 Bristol 37 LB 0.961
BBa_K381001 Bristol 8 LB 0.015
BBa_K381001 Bristol 23 MM 0.341
BBa_K381001 Bristol 37 MM 0.351
BBa_K381001 Bristol 8 MM 0.021
BBa_K381001 Bristol 23 SS 0.010
BBa_K381001 Bristol 37 SS 0.006
BBa_K381001 Bristol 8 SS 0.005
From these data we could conclude that:
• The BB grows best in LB.
• It grows less in Minimal Media.
• It shows almost no growth in Saline Solution.
• Il grows best @37°C
• It grows good @23°C
• It shows almost no growth @8°C
BBa_K410000 GaTech
Sample ID Temperature (°C) Substrate Absorbance @420 nm
BBa_K410000 GaTech 23 LB 0.258
BBa_K410000 GaTech 37 LB 0.624
BBa_K410000 GaTech 8 LB 0.006
BBa_K410000 GaTech 23 MM 0.275
BBa_K410000 GaTech 37 MM 0.028
BBa_K410000 GaTech 8 MM 0.004
BBa_K410000 GaTech 23 SS 0.015
BBa_K410000 GaTech 37 SS -0.001
BBa_K410000 GaTech 8 SS 0.014
From these data we could conclude that:
• The BB grows best in LB.
• It grows well in Minimal Media.
• It shows almost no growth in Saline Solution.
• Il grows best @37°C
• It grows well @23°C (best in Minimal Media than LB)
• It shows almost no growth @8°C
User Reviews
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