

Designed by: Erik Lundin   Group: iGEM12_Uppsala_University   (2012-09-26)
Revision as of 14:09, 21 August 2019 by Olle111 (Talk | contribs)

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Applications of BBa_K864402

2019 iGEM team Linkoping Sweden

2019 iGEM team Linkoping Sweden validated this part.

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Figure 1. To the left This biobrick after 48 hours in 37 degrees Celsius (both pictures). To the left is cultured E. coli BL21 cells with this biobrick in white light. The culture tubes had a constant supply of oxygen (cotton plugs) which is important for the chromophore/fluorophore of eforRed to develop. To the right is colonies in the same host as before illuminated in 302 nm UV-light, showing eforReds ability to also emit strong fluorescence.

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Figure 2. To the left is a spectrophotometric experiment where varying levels of oxygen supply were tested. The holes were made in the plastic cover of a 96-well plate and run for 16 hours in 37 degrees Celsius, this results shows the oxygen dependency of eforReds chromophore/fluorophore development. To the right is this biobrick in a 96-well plate, the culture has been in the well O.N in 37 degrees Celsius with varying levels of oxygen supply. The plate to the right is different expression systems used to test a strong green/yellow fluorescent protein. These results show eforReds ability to fluorescence, making it a fluorescent as well as a chromoprotein. Both plates were illuminated in 302 nm UV-light.

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Figure 3 SDS-page of eforRed expressed in E.coli BL21. Biorads "Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standards" was used as a SDS ladder. The eforRed band lies between 25 and 37 kD which is the correct molecularweight since eforreds weight is 33 kD.

User Reviews

UNIQ1ddcf6446e89666f-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ1ddcf6446e89666f-partinfo-00000001-QINU