Help:Sequence Analysis Instructions

Revision as of 17:21, 27 June 2008 by KCliff (Talk | contribs) (Sequence Analysis Page)

Sequence Analysis Instructions

In preparation for iGEM 2008, a comprehensive quality control project was undertaken to ensure teams understood the quality of the parts before they began construction of their biological systems. DNA extracted from single colony culture was both digested and run on a gel, and sent to the Broad Institute for sequencing. The sequencing information received back from the Broad Institute was then uploaded into iGEM's software program and analyzed, comparing the sequences derived from our QC process to the sequences provided by the part designer. Additionally, each separate sequence was examined, and in some cases edited, by a lab technician to further ensure the sequences were correctly read by the software. By reading the following instructions, iGEM participants will be able to understand how the sequences were analyzed and pass their own judgment on the quality of the part.

  • Enter part ID# into Search option at top of the page
  • Choose 'Physical DNA' option from heading
  • Under 'Existing Sequence Analysis' heading, choose 'QC08 Plate ### Well #####'

Sequence Analysis Page

There are several important areas to the sequence analysis page and the following will explain the importance of each when analyzing part quality.

The Current Sequence Analysis box provides

  • source plate and well location in the Registry
  • target part ID# with link to part page
  • length (in bp) of part
  • Subparts that comprise the part and links to information page

There are two Sequence boxes - one for the forward read and one for the reverse read. Each of these boxes provide

  • length of the sequence read
  • sequence read in base listing form
  • sequence read in trace file form
  • Blast option - comparison of our sequence found during QC process to the sequence provided by the part designer