Test Device 1 for the iGEM InterLab Study (mNeonGreen)
- 12INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[12]Illegal NheI site found at 7
Illegal NheI site found at 30 - 21COMPATIBLE WITH RFC[21]
- 25INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[25]Illegal NgoMIV site found at 100
Design Notes
An mNeonGreen construct was designed for use as an alternate fluorescent reporter for each test device - replacing GFP. The mNeonGreen sequence was codon optimised using Benchling and Gibson ends were designed using NEBuilder for cloning into pSB1C3. The subsequent sequence was synthesised by IDT. Prior to the PCR linearisation, pSB1C3 plasmid concentration for each mini-prepped test device was determined using a Qubit fluorometer and diluted to 0.5 ng/µl. The diluted pSB1C3 vectors were linearised using a 2 step PCR system following a Q5 Polymerase protocol (NEB). This protocol utilised forward and reverse primers with Tm values of 72°C. The mNeonGreen primers were designed by using the NEB Tm calculator and Benchling. The amplified DNA was then digested with DpnI, heat treated to inactivate the enzyme and assembled via Gibson Assembly using the NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly Kit. Following their protocol, a 2-fragment reaction with 0.5 pmol of DNA in a 2:1 insert to vector ratio was done and transformants were plated onto agar plates with the appropriate antibiotic (LB+cam for each test device and LB+amp for the controls).
Sequence from Allele Biotechnology