Status: 500 Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Not enough arguments for Range::range at /websites/ line 250, near "range;"
Unmatched right curly bracket at /websites/ line 251, at end of line
syntax error at /websites/ line 251, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 261, near "= @_"
syntax error at /websites/ line 282, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 286, near "= @_"
Global symbol "$course" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 288.
syntax error at /websites/ line 314, near "}"
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 16.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 10.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 9.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 9.

For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Revision as of 07:45, 27 October 2017 by Herlohuang (Talk | contribs)

Status: 500 Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Not enough arguments for Range::range at /websites/ line 250, near "range;"
Unmatched right curly bracket at /websites/ line 251, at end of line
syntax error at /websites/ line 251, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 261, near "= @_"
syntax error at /websites/ line 282, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 286, near "= @_"
Global symbol "$course" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 288.
syntax error at /websites/ line 314, near "}"
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 16.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.

For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

This part originated from pET-29 a (+) Vectors, and it is composed of T7 promoter, Lac operator, and RBS.because the original part has the restriction site”Xba1”in the sequence,and the sequence of this restriction site is” TCTAGA. “ We do the single mutation to convert TC”T”AGA to TC”C”AGA . Thus, it would not effect role to make the composition of our part.

Sequence and Features Status: 500 Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Not enough arguments for Range::range at /websites/ line 250, near "range;"
Unmatched right curly bracket at /websites/ line 251, at end of line
syntax error at /websites/ line 251, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 261, near "= @_"
syntax error at /websites/ line 282, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 286, near "= @_"
Global symbol "$course" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 288.
syntax error at /websites/ line 314, near "}"
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 16.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 8.

For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

Design Notes

This sequence has lac operator . When we want to use it to produce protein, it could be induced by lac operator.

Status: 500 Content-type: text/html

Software error:

Not enough arguments for Range::range at /websites/ line 250, near "range;"
Unmatched right curly bracket at /websites/ line 251, at end of line
syntax error at /websites/ line 251, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 261, near "= @_"
syntax error at /websites/ line 282, near "}"
Can't use global @_ in "my" at /websites/ line 286, near "= @_"
Global symbol "$course" requires explicit package name at /websites/ line 288.
syntax error at /websites/ line 314, near "}"
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 16.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 16.
Compilation failed in require at /websites/ line 9.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /websites/ line 9.

For help, please send mail to this site's webmaster, giving this error message and the time and date of the error.