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Physiological functions of NHR-23
The nhr-23 is required in all larval molts; NHR-23 is highly similar to Drosophila DHR3, an ecdysone-inducible gene product involved in metamorphosis; NHR-23 is required for hypodermal expression of acn-1 and, probably, of dpy-7.
Potential applications of NHR-23
This LBD can be fused with different DBDs forming a composite hormone receptor for ligand regulated expression of specific genes and can also be a sensor for various lipid natured molecules.
Applications of BBa_K364315
User Reviews
UNIQ80fc05ddc1a56821-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ80fc05ddc1a56821-partinfo-00000001-QINU