

Designed by: Janet Standeven, Megan Hong, Courtney Taing, Julia Chang, Shanthi Hegde, Sri Pinnamareddy   Group: iGEM19_Lambert_GA   (2019-10-16)
Revision as of 11:02, 21 October 2019 by Courtneytaing (Talk | contribs)

Medium Promoter (BBa_J23106) C. elegans Toehold GFP
The results for the toehold were confirmed through a dual plasmid transformation in BL21 E. coli. The dual plasmid transformation presented greater fluorescence measured in lux values in comparison to the single switch transformation, confirming the function of the toehold. In addition, sequencing analysis results shown below also confirms the presence of the toehold in comparison to the toehold sequences in the reference paper (Green et al. 2014). The biobricked toehold's (BBa_K2974316) function has been validated through experimentation and sequencing.

Figure 1: This graph compares the mean lux values of the C. elegans toehold switch, trigger, and the dual plasmid. The toehold switch and trigger have very similar lux values to LB and plain cells, whereas the dual plasmid has a higher lux value, indicating fluorescence.

Sequence Analysis

Figure 2: Lambert iGEM aligned the C. elegans toehold insert with the Eurofins Genomics sequencing results. This showed that the toehold was successfully cloned.

===Applications of BBa_K2974316=== ===User Reviews=== BBa_K2974316 StartReviews BBa_K2974316 EndReviews