

Designed by: Erik Lundin   Group: iGEM12_Uppsala_University   (2012-09-26)
Revision as of 08:12, 6 August 2019 by Annadaerr (Talk | contribs)

This experience page is provided so that any user may enter their experience using this part.
Please enter how you used this part and how it worked out.

Applications of BBa_K864402

2019 iGEM team Linkoping Sweden

2019 iGEM team Linkoping Sweden validated this part.

Figure 1. This biobrick after 48 hours in 37 degrees Celsius. Bacterial host in the picture is E. coli BL21 DE3 Gold. The picture is with the plate in 302 nm UV light, which also shows eforReds weak fluorescence.
Figure 1. This biobrick after 48 hours in 37 degrees Celsius. Bacterial host in the picture is E. coli BL21 DE3 Gold. This biobrick is to the left and a control (wild-type BL21) is to the right. The cultured tubes had a constant access to oxygen.

User Reviews

UNIQ7722c75abd29ca3d-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQ7722c75abd29ca3d-partinfo-00000001-QINU