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Nitric oxide reductase (NOR)

Cytochrome P450 55B1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is reported to function as a nitric oxide reductase (NOR). We are still working on that. Since nitric oxide is nearly insoluable in water, it’s hard for us to create a aquatic reaction system for assaying the enzyme reactivity. We are still working on that. But currently we plan to create a reaction environment in a sealed container filled with solution, enzyme, and nitric oxide gas, By constant shake over, let’s say, two hours, we’ll then measure the change in the concentration of NO using the Gas-Phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry to see if the presence of the enzyme made any difference on the concentration.

Sequence and Features

Assembly Compatibility:
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Cytochrome P450 55B1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
General Equation: $ \ce{2NO + NAD(P)H + H+ → N2O + NADP+ + H2O} $

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We found three assay methods to test the activity of nitric oxide reductase: using NO measurement Kit, titration and Gas-Phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry. The first two methods were failed, and the details and reasons were recorded below. Due to limitations of lab equipment, we were not able to conduct the experiment using the third method.

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Nitric oxide reductase's tertiary structure

Assay method 1: NO Measurement Kit

The NO kit we planned to use was developed by Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute, and the concentration of NO in the solution can be calculated by the concentration of $\ce{NO3-}$, because NO will be reduced to $\ce{NO3-}$ in blood plasma of chicken or mice. We prepared the solution according to the method as below:

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Remove the air in the flask by passing through nitrogen gas for 30 minutes.
Pass through nitric oxide gas for 45 minutes in Flask C that contains ddH2O.
Flask A contains 30% H2O2 solution, and Flask B contains KMnO4 / NaOH solution, to oxidize and absorb the undissolved gas.[1]

However, although the NO solution we prepared using this method was saturated, the concentration was too low for the verification to proceed.

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Fig 1. Setup of equipments for preparing NO solution

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Fig 2. NO gas container

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Fig 3. Equipments setup

Assay Method 2: Titration

By measuring the concentration of nitrous oxide—the final product of the reduction of nitric oxide, the amount of nitric oxide reacted can be calculated, and therefore the activity of nitric reductase can be verified. When the reaction is complete, acidic potassium permanganate is added to the solution, and the highly oxidative potassium permanganate reacts with nitrous oxide. We then use oxalic acid to titrate the remaining potassium permanganate. Therefore, the amount of potassium permanganate used in the reaction with nitrous oxide can be calculated, and the amount of nitrous oxide produce can be found.

However, even for the most stable solution of nitrous oxide—the standard solution of 1.00mg/ml, nitrous oxide will escape in gas form, and the escaping speed is not constant. As a result, the method of directly measuring the amount of nitrous oxide is not valid.

<img class="framed img" src="/img/enzyme/nor6.png"></img>

Fig 4. Standard N2O solution

Assay Method 3: Gas-Phase Molecular Absorption Spectrometry

The turnover of the overall reaction of nitric oxide reductase was determined by monitoring the NADH consumption rate under various concentrations of NO, where the NO concentration was controlled by bubbling the NO/N2 mixed gas produced with the gas divider (ESTEC SGD-SC-0.5L). Unfortunately, since we could not find access to the required gas divider, we were not able to verify the results. The results from the original paper was shown in Fig 4.


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Prepare the buffer: 0.1 M sodium phosphate at pH 7.2.
Add reduced form of NADH.
Purge the air in the buffer solution by nitrogen gas to prevent formation of NO2 before adding NO.
Introduce NO gas into the sample solution after passing 1 M KOH and the buffer solutions.
Incubate the buffer solution containing NO (2.5, 2.0, 1.6, 1.5, 1.2, or 1.0 mM) and NADH (0.16 mM) in the optical cell at 10°C for 5 min.
Measure the absorbance (340nm) of the solutions.


Due to limited access to equipments, we could not directly measure the reactivity of NOR. However, experiments had been carried out for the same enzyme expressed also expressed in E.coli, with method listed above. For the continuation of our project, we had to draw conclusion from other’s experiment results.

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Fig 5. Time course of the absorption change of the reduced form of NADH at 340 nm in the NO reduction reaction catalyzed by P450nor. [2]


We delightedly found out that the curve became smooth and parallel to the x-axis just within the course of five minutes. This represented nearly all the substrates had been converted to products in an extremely rapid rate: much more rapid than nitrite reductase. This means that whenever NO is released from nitrite reductase as product, NOR can utilize it as substrate quickly.


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程得胜, 黄曜, 黄郁芳. 一氧化氮标准储备水溶液浓度的测定及稳定性分析[J]. 分析测试学报, 2007, 26(4):566-569.
Shiro Y., Fujii M., Iizuka T., Adachi S., Tsukamoto K., Nakahara K., Shoun H. 1995. Spectroscopic and kinetic studies on reaction of cytochrome P450nor with nitric oxide. Implication for its nitric oxide reduction mechanism. J. Biol. Chem. 270, 1617–162310.1074/jbc.270.4.1617.
Shoun H, Fushinobu S, Jiang L, et al. Fungal denitrification and nitric oxide reductase cytochrome P450nor[J]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 2012, 367(1593):1186.