soxS Promoter, Sensing Antibiotics
This is a promoter sensing tetracycline which is previously selected from by Sahar Melamed and Shimshon Belkin
SoxS, a transcriptional activator of oxidative stress genes in E. coli. SoxS in vitro binds the promoter of soxRS-regulated genes such as micF, sodA and recruits RNA polymerase to the promoters. SoxS was originally tested by Sahar Melamed and Shimshon Belkin to research the antibiotic resistance of bacteria and features of selected sensing promoters. Sensitivity and specificity of SoxS was presented in their paper, showing its relatively specific signal response when treated with:
- tetracycline-26.5;
- oxytetracycline-26.1.
The maximal induction of SoxS strains tested in the course of 10h of exposure.
In accordance with relative effective response of antibiotics, we are determined to implement SoxS to detect the concentration of tetracycline or oxytetracycline.
Experimental Result
SoxS, this antibiotic substance responding promoter was extracted from E. coli Top 10(K-12 strain) by conducting polymerase chain reaction on its genome.
A bacterial reporter panel for the detection and classification of antibiotic substances Microbial Biotechnology (2012) 5(4), 536–548 Sahar Melamed, Shimshon Belkin
Sequence and Features
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