

Designed by: Xiaotong Fu   Group: iGEM14_XMU-China   (2014-08-31)
Revision as of 16:04, 9 October 2014 by Tccc0804 (Talk | contribs)


This part is derived from BBa_K1412005 by taking RBS out.

As iGEM14_XMU-China has developed a system to characterize the strength of promoters and RBSs, this part provides an easier assembly path to contruct new devices to characterize the strength of promoters and RBSs which is unknown.


Contructing new device by this part, then characterize the device in CL-1(knock CheZ gene out of genome). In order for reference, we need to choose appropriate reference parts(see the wiki from iGEM14_XMU-China) which has only one portion(RBS or promoter) different from the new contructed device. As the expression strength from reference part is already known, we can spot both kinds of device on the same semi-solid medium culture. By comparing the chemotaxis diameter of both devices, we can tell unknown expression strength from unknown promoters or RBSs.
