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Designed by: UBC iGEM 2013   Group: iGEM13_British_Columbia   (2013-08-30)
Revision as of 01:01, 28 September 2013 by AnnaMüller (Talk | contribs) (Applications of BBa_K1129006)

This experience page is provided so that any user may enter their experience using this part.
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Applications of BBa_K1129006

The Cas9 construct was transformed into E. cloni 10G, plated on LB agar plates made with chloramphenicol (33ug/mL), and grown overnight at 37C. A single colony was picked and grown overnight in LB (with chloramphenicol) at 37C and shaking (1000 rpm). Growth was very slow for the and OD was only ar


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UNIQd99016f75aff04b1-partinfo-00000001-QINU UNIQd99016f75aff04b1-partinfo-00000002-QINU