

Designed by: Cyrille Pauthenier   Group: iGEM12_Evry   (2012-09-18)

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Applications of BBa_K812014

User Reviews

UNIQd9edaa234cb79617-partinfo-00000000-QINU UNIQd9edaa234cb79617-partinfo-00000001-QINU

2013 issue with K812014

The UCL undergraduate team of 2013 has experienced an issue concerning the K812014 biobrick.

Upon digestion using EcoRI and PstI of this biobrick followed by a subsequent gel electrophoresis, it would be expected that two bands of 2kb (pSBIC3 backbone) and 3kb (Auxin). However in several digests that have been attempted a third band at 5kb appears, possibly linearised K812014. This has occurred several times which has rendered use of the is biobrick for gel extraction difficult, so therefore because of this, the use of this biobrick as a source of pSBIC3 backbone has ceased. See picture attached for evidence.


P&E Digestion and gel electrophoresis shown were performed on 11th September 2013.