

Designed by: Wang Jo-Yu, Qianyue Jin   Group: iGEM24_GreatBay-SCIE   (2024-09-11)


In order to eliminate spider mites, spider venom peptide Cs1A is incorporated in our project to broaden the spectrum of molecular targets of venom peptides. Cs1a is a small cysteine-rich venom peptide derived from Calommmata signata. Utilized as predatory toxin in nature, it carries the ability to cause paralysis and death in susceptible subjects by interfering with voltage-gated calcium channels. Given CaV channels' roles in neurotransmitter release and neural impulse relay, Cs1A serves as an effective pesticide.


Sequence and Features

Assembly Compatibility:
  • 10
  • 12
  • 21
  • 23
  • 25
  • 1000

Usage and Biology

Cs1A is a 32aa long peptide containing 6 cysteine residues arranged to create a cysteine framework of C1xxxC2xxxC3C4xxxC5xxxC6, forming cysteine cross bridges between C1C3, or C1C4, and between C2C5 or C2C6 [Fig1A].

Fig1: (A) Cysteine cross-bridge structure in Cs1A B. Secondary structure of Cs1A, by structural prediction results from AlphaFold. The cyestine residues are colored orange, displaying their side chains and the rest of the peptide in white

Paralysis and mortal effects of susceptible subjects are achieved via Cs1A inhibition on both high-voltage-activated (HVA) Cav channels and low-voltage-activated (LVA) Cav channels of susceptible targets by blocking the channels directly, resulting in impediment of fundamental nervous system responses in neuronal, muscular, and cardiac functions. (Specific site of inhibition depends on the concentration of neurotoxin).

Toxicity Verification

Cs1A is synthesized using the vector pET28a-G1M5-His-SUMO-Cs1A-GNA-His[Fig2B], of which is assembled using GoldenGate cloning and transformed into E. coli strain DH5ɑ. Colony PCR and sequencing is then carried out to verify the plasmid construct, of which is extracted and transformed into BL21(DE3) strain for expression. After IPTG induction and overnight incubation, the liquid culture is harvested and, after cell lysis, have an SDS-PAGE run. The results suggest that Cs1A had achieved soluble expression. After several unsuccessful purification attempts, the supernatant is treated directly by SUMO protease [Fig2C].

Fig2: (A) G1M5 tag allows secretion of the fusion protein into extracellular milieu (B) Plasmid construct pET28a-G1M5-His-SUMO-Cs1A-GNA-His (C) SDS-PAGE of supernatant and SUMO-treated supernatant, with supernatant of similarly treated supernatant of BL21(DE3) as control

The SUMO-digested supernatant's toxicity against T. urticae females is tested using a spraying method by Professor Huang from SCAU. Results from the toxicity assay suggests Cs1A to be highly toxic against T. urticae, achieving an fatality of 92.73% within 72 hours.

Fig3: (A) T. urticae in their normal state, before being sprayed with treated supernatant (B) Dead T. urticae from spraying of treated supernatant (C) Survival plot of T. urticae being sprayed with supernatant containing Cs1A over 72 hours, CK is similarly processed supernatant of BL21(DE3), acting as a control (D) Lethality data of T. urticae being sprayed with supernatant over 24, 48, and 72 hours, CK is the similarly processed supernatant of BL21(DE3), acting as a control

Part Collection

Our part collection provides a comprehensive list of venom peptides with a diverse range of molecular targets, and all displays satisfactory elimination efficacy during our testings [Fig7A&B].

Fig7: A. Survival plot of 6 venom peptides against female T. urticae using a spraying method, CK is induced liquid culture of BL21(DE3), of which acts as control D. Lethality data of 6 venom peptides over 24, 48, and 72 hours, CK is induced liquid culture of BL21(DE3), of which acts as control; data is the means of ± SD of three parallel replicate experiments
Our Part Collection
Current VP Venom Name Targeted Ion Channel New? Part Number Original Specie
PpVP2S Ca New BBa_K5184043 Phytoseiulus persimilis
PpVP1S Ca New BBa_K5184042 Phytoseiulus persimilis
PpVP1F Ca New BBa_K5184038 Phytoseiulus persimilis
rCtx4 Na BBa_K5184021 Phoneutria depilata
✳️ Cs1A Ca BBa_K5184032 Calommata signata
HxTx-Hv1h Ca, K BBa_K5184033 Hadronyche versuta
