Improved Mst-CopC-CBM2a
- 12INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[12]Illegal NheI site found at 95
Illegal NheI site found at 125 - 21INCOMPATIBLE WITH RFC[21]Illegal BamHI site found at 785
Design Notes
We applied a rational protein design approach to choose mutations that might result in increased CopC-Cu(II) binding. We started out with several dozen possible candidates with single mutations and combinations of mutations. This list was further refined by calculating each candidate’s energy score using Rosetta, a protein modelling software. About ten proteins with the best energy scores were then evaluated using molecular dynamics. In order to test the binding affinity, a 10 nanosecond simulation was performed using GROMACS with the Charmm36 force field (Vanommeslaeghe, 2010). Molecular dynamics showed that a candidate with the mutations Y34F, F3H, S81D, and H85D bound Cu(II) the most strongly, and is therefore the best of our improved Mst-CopC candidates (see our engineering and model pages for more information).
After the determined residues were mutated in the original amino acid sequence, it was codon optimized for ‘‘E. coli’’ and all cut sites for RFc 25 and NdeI/BamHI (required for cloning into pET 11a) were removed. Lastly, the prefix and suffix for RFc 25 were appended.
Sources of DNA sequences, in order of occurrence in the fusion protein from N' to C':
His-tag and TEV linker sequence: Retrieved from His-tag and TEV linker that occurs in bacterial expression vector pMCSG7:
Original sequence of Mst-CopC (copper-binding domain) retrieved from Genbank (Methylosinus trichosporium O3B):
Sequence of the CBM linker domain was back-translated from its amino acid sequence, which was retrieved from the following paper describing a natural occurrence of the linker in a protein with a cellulose-binding domain:
Sequence of CBM2a (cellulose-binding domain) retrieved from DNA sequence of BBa_K863101 (Cellulose-binding domain of Cellulomonas fimi exoglucanase):
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