

Designed by: Francis Lee   Group: iGEM10_UIUC-Illinois   (2010-09-15)

gadY (sRNA)

mFOLD for this sRNA
Targeted Regulation by sRNAs:micF, micA, and gadY. sRNAs expressed under lac promoter.

gadY is a small non-coding RNA regulator that binds to the 3' UTR of the gadX mRNA transcript via non-perfect base pairing. The primary action of micA is the translational activation of gadX by reinforcement of the intrinsic terminator of gadY mRNA and subsequent stabalization of the transcript. gadY binds RNA chaperone, hfq, which works to stabalize micA in the cytoplasm, accelerate sRNA-mRNA base pair annealing, recruit the RNA degradosome to the sRNA-mRNA complex, and specifies cellular localization of sRNA-mRNA interactions.

Usage and Biology

gadY sRNA is a post-transcriptional regulator. Using in conjunction with transcriptional regulators yield clear and strong bistability of target gene expression (data not shown). Endogenous to E. coli, gadY regulates the expression of the outer membrane proteins in response to environmental acid stress conditions.


-8 nucleotides have been added to the 5' of this sRNA as an artifact of the RFC10 Biobrick assembly (scar coding).

-overexpression of sRNA to target mRNA yields optimal results (10 sRNA:1 mRNA)

-overexpression of hfq may affect efficacy of sRNA regulation, but pleiotropic effects observed in cell growth.

-actual biobrick is much longer than the length of the sRNA; the suffix was placed downsteam of the sRNA intrinsic terminator.

n/agadY (sRNA)