

Designed by: Lorenzo Pasotti, Giacomo Zambianchi, Federica Sampietro, Paolo Magni   Group: iGEM10_UNIPV-Pavia   (2010-10-03)

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Applications of BBa_K300989

User Reviews


User Reviews



UNIPV-Pavia iGEM 2010

This part was successfully used in the design of the BBa_K300001 integrative base vector for S. cerevisiae.

When transformed in S288C S. cerevisiae strain (BBa_K300979), BBa_K300989 actually conferred the resistance to the antibiotic G418 (geneticin) at 200 ug/ml on YPD agar plates, while the "no DNA" negative control did not show colonies. See the BBa_K300001 Experience page for details and pictures.

The loxP sites recombination capability has not been tested yet.


NTNU_Trondheim iGEM 2014

This part was used as the basis for the design of the part BBa_K1424003. The part was codon optimized for use in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, and the resulting transformants grew successfully on selection medium containing kanamycin.

The transformation was done using the composite part BBa_K1424005, which is made up of three parts:BBa_K1424000, BBa_K1424003 and BBa_K1424001, which facilitates homologous recombination into the Synechocystis genome.

